Multi-Location Businesses

Who we help - Multi-Location Businesses

While we can work with any business or entity that meets our minimum spending thresholds, we do have some ideal client types that we like to work with.

Multi-location businesses are one of those. Why is that?

The answer is simple. Multi-location businesses have expenses in many categories that we help with, and they almost always meet our category spend thresholds. This makes the return on our time and our clients’ time highly valuable in these engagements.

Some of the best areas where we can assist multi-location businesses include waste and recycling, telecom, deregulated utilities, and copiers and printers.

Best Cost Reduction Categories for Multi-Location Businesses

Waste and Recycling

Almost every multi-location business will have waste and recycling needs. And while these needs can vary drastically depending upon the type of business you are in, there are some specific challenges that can arise managing this expense category over multiple locations. Waste and recycling is a highly localized industry. Even giant firms like Waste Management have regional management teams that run their teams and departments completely differently across state or regional lines. This can complicate available services, contracts, terms and conditions, and pricing.

Furthermore, localized laws and landfill rules mean each town or county can have completely different rules from one area to the next. Between our team of waste and recycling experts and our proprietary database of vendor benchmarks, P3 knows how to navigate these complexities. Whether you are a multi-location retailer, bank, manufacturer, or any other type of multi-location business, P3 can help.

Average savings on Waste and Recycling 30-40%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify*$24,000

View our Waste and Recycling White Paper


Every business has telecommunication and internet needs. With multi-location businesses, these needs not only multiply in number but also exponentially increase in complexity. Often, the same service options or vendors are not available across geographic areas.

And when they are, the associated costs might mysteriously differ. Even the best-run companies leave money on the table. It’s IT’s job to keep the computers and networks running, but only with P3’s deep dive into your telecom customer service records, and comparing your expenses, line by line, with our database of industry benchmarks, can you ensure that what you are paying is accurate and cost-efficient.

Average savings on Telecom15-30%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify*$60,000

Read our Telecom White Paper

Deregulated Utilities

Monthly gas and electric expenses can vary significantly depending on the type of multi-location business.

Most larger multi-location businesses will meet our minimum annual spending requirement of $30,000 per year in deregulated markets, though. If you are a larger organization, you could also meet our minimum annual spending requirements in regulated markets ($100,000/year).

With multiple locations, your organization can easily be spread across various utility providers and regulatory environments, including regulated and deregulated markets. These factors will all significantly impact the available resources and your kilowatt cost per hour. Furthermore, these complexities make it even more challenging to identify errors and overcharges in an already incredibly complicated category. P3’s team of experts dive deep into the details of your invoices to uncover hidden overcharges and pricing and tariff opportunities.

Average savings on Utilities3-5%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify**$30,000

View our Utility Auditing White Paper

Copiers and Printers

Copier and printer costs can add up quickly for some multi-location businesses. Businesses ranging from multi-location law offices to high-volume tire shops, and countless businesses in between, could all have significant copier and printer needs.

Regardless of the type of business you are in, managing these expenses across multiple locations and geographies can present some challenges. Larger copiers require ongoing maintenance and service to remain operational. Depending on your geographic footprint, this might involve multiple copier companies and service providers.

Even if you are lucky enough to bundle all these services with a single provider, the copier industry is notorious for hiding fees, imposing one-sided terms and conditions, and overcharging. P3’s team of experts leverages decades of expertise, and our database of vendor benchmarks to tilt the balance of power back in your favor.

Average savings on Copiers and Printers30-40%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify*$120,000

View our Managed Print White Paper

*Minimum annual spends means the annual spend a client must be spending on this category to qualify. ** In this particular category, these are minimum annual spends per location. This means, for example, 50 locations spending $200/month would not be a good fit.

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