Commercial Property Management

Who We Help - Commercial Property Management

While we can work with any business or entity that meets our minimum spending thresholds, we do have some ideal client types that we like to work with.

Commercial Property Management is one of those. Why is that?

The answer is simple. Property management companies and owners incur expenses in many of the categories we help with, and they almost always meet our spending thresholds in those categories. This makes the return on investment of our time and our clients’ time highly valuable in these engagements.

Some of the best areas where we help property management groups are waste and recycling, utilities, property tax, and telecom.

Best Cost Reduction Categories for Commercial Property Management

Waste and Recycling

Property management companies and apartment complexes can have unique waste management needs. They aren’t the most complex accounts we see, but they do have their own set of unique characteristics that give their managers headaches.

Most of the issues revolve around the proper use of containers. Ensuring that an entire apartment complex uses the dumpsters correctly can be a tall order.  From people moving out to disposing of bulky items or illegal items in the dumpsters, it can be challenging to manage and very expensive.

In the commercial world, space in buildings is often a consideration, as well as determining the types of equipment a location truly needs (compactor versus dumpsters, for example).

P3’s team of waste and recycling experts has worked in these environments with property managers many times. We know how to navigate these needs and nuances effectively, providing the best solution for our clients while maximizing cost savings.

Average savings on Waste and Recycling 30-40%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify*$24,000

View our Waste and Recycling White Paper

Property Taxes

To be eligible for property tax audit services, a client’s expenses should exceed This means the property has to be worth about $10,000,000 or more. Many larger commercial properties will easily be valued at this amount and, therefore, qualify for our property tax review.

We have had great success contesting property taxes nationwide, especially for income-producing properties. The value that can be generated for commercial properties here is immense. Many of the methods employed by local appraisers are often deemed inaccurate or unfair (as many of our clients feel whenever they receive a new assessment). We can help tip the balance of power back in your favor and get money back in your pocket.

Average savings on Property Tax30%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify**$100,000


Property management companies and their tenants spend significant amounts on utilities such as electric and natural gas.  Some of the complicating factors include the fact that some properties are master metered and some are sub-metered. The wide array of needs here can be challenging to manage. From a cost reduction standpoint, we often find billing, tax, and tariff issues, as the rules governing all these nuances can vary dramatically. These factors can push up per kilowatt-hour costs well above where they should be.

Average savings on Utilities 3-5%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify**$100,000

View our Utility Auditing White Paper


Although telecom needs are generally minimal for commercial property owners (as tenants often pay their own bills), there may still be costs that add up. Phone lines are used for a variety of purposes, ranging from regular phone or internet connections to 911 lines and backups for emergency purposes. Many of these expenses are paid by the building owner rather than the tenant. These expenses can quickly accumulate across multiple properties, surpassing the minimum spending amount required for a P3 review. Our experts dive deep into the details to ensure accuracy and cost-effectiveness.

Average Savings on Telecom15-30%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify*$60,000

View our Telecom Auditing White Paper

*Client must be spending above this minimum annually, across its organization, to qualify for our free expense analysis. ** In this particular category, these are minimum annual spends per location. This means, for example, 50 locations spending $200/month would not be a good fit.

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