Auto Dealers

Who We Help - Auto Dealers

While we can work with any business or entity that meets our minimum spend thresholds, we do have some ideal client types that we like to work with.

Auto dealerships are one of those. Why is that?

The answer is simple. Auto dealerships have expenses in many of the categories we help with, and they almost always meet our category spending thresholds. This makes the return on investment of our time and our clients’ time highly valuable in these engagements.

Some of the best areas where we are able to help auto dealerships are waste and recycling, uniforms and linens, telecom, utilities, and property taxes.

Best Cost Reduction Categories for Auto Dealerships

Waste and Recycling

An auto dealership may not be the largest waste producer we work with, but their expenses can certainly add up. Any dealership with a service center will have a significant need for waste and recycling services. Some auto dealers may also have large campuses, which creates the need for multiple dumpsters and containers. Many automotive groups also have multiple locations spread across various geographic areas. Due to numerous local regulations and landfill concerns, the waste and recycling market is highly localized. This means that what is a good deal in one town may not be in another. P3’s team of waste and recycling experts has worked in these environments with auto dealers many times. We know how to navigate these needs and nuances effectively, providing the best solution for our clients while maximizing cost savings.

Average savings on Waste and Recycling30-40%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify*$24,000

View our Waste and Recycling White Paper

Uniforms and Linen

Almost every auto dealer with a service center has significant expenses for uniforms and linens. In these facilities, there are often dozens of technicians working, and the costs can add up. We have helped numerous auto dealers reduce their costs with vendors such as Cintas, Aramark, and others. Aside from averaging 30-40% savings, we also ensure that the contracts are buttoned up, providing our clients the necessary safeguards to ensure price increases can’t eat into budget.


Average savings on Uniforms and Linen30-40%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify*$60,000

View our Uniform and Linen White Paper


The lifeblood of any auto dealer is its sales. Having rock-solid phone systems and internet is a crucial aspect of keeping that engine working well. The size, complexity, and number of lines in these systems create opportunities for significant savings. This isn’t the fault of the IT department either. Their job is to keep the computers and machines running, not to understand the nuances of how some of these big telecom vendors bill or how they can hide overcharges that can only be found by deciphering a telecom customer service record. Our experts conduct an in-depth analysis of your systems to uncover lost money.

Average savings on Telecom30-40%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify*$60,000

View our Telecom Auditing White Paper


Automotive groups also tend to have significant utility expenses at their facilities. Almost every dealership leaves its lights on 24/7 in the parking lots. This can add up to large monthly bills. This can also lead to a wide variety of opportunities for billing errors. Furthermore, due to the various types of utility uses and different times of the day they are utilized, there can be a variety of tariff options available in regulated markets for auto dealerships. These can have significant impacts on kilowatt-hour costs if applied incorrectly. Our utility experts analyze these expenses and specific requirements to ensure that auto dealerships have their utility costs and needs fully optimized.

Average savings on Utilities 3-5%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify**$100,000

View our Utility Auditing White Paper

Property Tax

To be a good fit for a property tax audit, a client’s expenses need to exceed $100,000/year. This means the property has to be worth about $10,000,000 or more. Some larger auto dealerships will be valued at this amount and, therefore, qualify for our property tax review. We have had great success contesting property taxes nationwide, especially for income-producing properties. Many of the methods employed by local appraisers are often inaccurate or unfair, as many of our clients feel when they receive a new assessment. We can help tip the balance of power back in your favor and get money back in your pocket.

Average savings on Property Taxes30%Minimum Annual Spend to Qualify**$100,000

*Client must be spending above this minimum annually, across its organization, to qualify for our free expense analysis. ** In this particular category, these are minimum annual spends per location. This means, for example, 50 locations spending $200/month would not be a good fit.

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